
Choosing HMG means putting your next Social Housing refurbishment project in the very best hands

A decade of delivering excellence to our clients, and their tenants

Councils and Housing Associations are like their tenants: they want their renovation and refurbishment requirements handled expertly, with everything taken care of from start to finish, and completed on time in a friendly, no fuss manner. That’s exactly what HMG delivers, every day, all year round. We’re also proud of our ability to adapt to the particular needs of tenants in different situations, at the various types of properties across the Social Housing spectrum.

The highest level of customer service

Council and Housing Associations’ most common concerns? Finding a building contractor for their renovation and refurbishment requirements that can get the job done right, in compliance with all Health & Safety rules; and with there being absolutely no issues when it comes to communicating with tenants (keeping them well informed and satisfied throughout) and conducting themselves in tenants’ homes. You can trust HMG not to let you down on any of those essential elements: our reputation for exemplary customer service matches that of our workmanship.

No wonder our services are always highly in demand, and the number of glowing tenant reviews we receive keeps growing and growing…

We’d love to be involved in your building project. To check our availability call 01206 688340 or get in touch.